How Evenings Can Help You Live a Better Life

evening sky

Setting sun, red/violet sky coupled with a cool breeze. How can anyone not fall in love with this period of the day? I for one love love the evenings. As I began unfolding myself, I ensured that I took some time to spend some time with myself and enjoy the view.

You too can use this time to introspect your day, what you have been grateful and where you could improve. It is understandable that with today’s busy schedule it is difficult to take out time every day. But is 5-10 minutes for oneself too much?

Courtesy: Unsplash

Or you can do it once or twice a week, to begin with. And gradually make it a routine. Trust me in few weeks you’ll be waiting to destress at sunset.

I have always felt that the evenings take you into a sombre mood where my mind is filled with only positive thoughts. Now no matter how shitty (pardon the French) my day had been, sitting by myself on my terrace was an ethereal experience. Now I’m missing my home ☹

View from my terrace

Anyways back to my favourite of the day.

You can also use this period of the day to spend some quality time with your family or friends. What can be better than chai (in winters) or a cooling drink (in summers) with a chatpata snack and yummy gossip?

This might sound preachy here but is not evening the time between day and night. The period connecting a new day and the end of the day. No matter how good or bad your day had been it is about to come to an end and time has come rest and recharge for the next day.

Courtesy: Giphy

As it has been today for me, sometimes it is difficult to rest or recharge. You feel drained of energy, both mental and physical. And I don’t know how to go ahead but then time doesn’t stop for anyone and you just go with the flow.

I am pushing myself today and hoping it gets better tomorrow. Now I want you to be your motivator and cheerleader rolled into one. Use the evening as I used mine and make the best out of it. Love and hugs, Ciao.

Courtesy: Giphy

Also Read: Choose To Be Compassionate

Published by Chetna Speaks

Formerly a Content Editor, I occasionally blog and am learning to be a Digital Marketer. Expelliarmus for the haters

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